09 April 2006

Back in London

And exhausted... Andrew left this am for the airport and it took everything that I had to walk him to the airport way too early this morning and get coffee a croissant and the Sunday morning paper... came back, ate breakfast and bed and soon fell back asleep.

Jack and I meant to go for a walk today but only made it to Hache for lunch - ha! Now back and chillin' and catching up with Mark and Jillian, downloading pics, doing laundry and once again catching-up on life. The stress of essays is hanging over my head but I am struggling between work and holiday-modes... holiday seems to be winning out for the most part.

Anna gets in tomorrow and I am super stoked about it - it will be great to see her and then we get to go to Spain - woo hoo!

Went to a Latent Orient football match game yesterday with Andrew and they won 2-nil it was tremendous... and Tottenham won 2-1 and is leading for fourth!

Overall Eastern Europe was awesome - I have tons of pics but it might take forever and a year to get them uploaded - I'll work on it. Lots of stories - some of which can be told through pics - so here we go...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


You're hilarious. Have I taught you nothing? LEYTON Orient. Little Andy...was she singing 'Latent?' Please tell me she was. Have a great time in Spain, Mara. Befnal Green ain't the same wiv out ya!