16 March 2006

Busy, Busy Week

What a crazy week - I'm not sure quite why but it has just seemed really hectic! Came back from the country on Sunday - which was awesome - it was snowing on the beach! And I faced a fear of mine and learned how to drive in England - on the left-side of the road. What threw me (besides learning to drive in the dark and on country roads) was that the stick-shift was on the left so you had to shift with your left-hand - I mean really! It was crazy and I think my co-pilot/navigator was fearful of his life... but come Saturday as we hopped from fishing village to beach-town I felt like a natural in my smart-car :)

Then Monday I went to the gym, read for my classes and tried to get my life back in order. Tuesday classes and a debate with Tim Lynch and Toby Dodge about the nature of regime change in Iraq at Queen Mary's which was great followed by Tayyab's, one of the best Indian restaurants in London with Mark and Isabella. Wednesday after getting over a massive head-ache I finally made it to the gym, the store, the bank and other errands and then made dinner for Mark, Joanna, Matt and Jill. Joanna just got back from Costa Rica and I was super jealous of her tan - but she was also kind enough to bring us some Cafe Rica... Thursday more class and tonight a lecture with Barbara Einechreich, author of Nickle and Dimed and then out to dinner with Jack to DonZoka...

Then tomorrow Kristin and Grant come - so excited! Oh - and great news! Kathy got into colleges including my parents' alma matter - UCLA - congrats lady - you are a rockstar!

Ciao - will write more soon - I promise!

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