17 July 2006

A Doo-little Congress

Washington Post - July 11, 2006

"In the past two years, campaign and political action committees controlled by Rep. John T. Doolittle (R-Calif.) paid ever-larger commissions to his wife's one-person company and spent tens of thousands of dollars on gifts at stores such as Saks Fifth Avenue and Tiffany & Co. and a Ritz-Carlton day spa."
Indeed, Rep. Doolittle's wife, who had no prior fundraising experience, took 15% of every dollar she "raised" for him, arduously extracted from such reluctant Republican donors as Jack Abramoff's lobbying firm, Jack Abramoff's restaurant, and various DeLay Inc. front groups. With General Wesley Clark endorsing veteran Charlie Brown, Doolittle was recently forced to accept a formal debate - it will be one to watch. And as for the still-undisputed king of corruption, Tom DeLay, it turns out his saga isn't over quite yet either - but we'll get to that next week...
*Yep... that would be my hometown Congressman - unfortunately. It was amazing to me that Cali's CD-4 is in play being from there... but hopefully Clark's endorsement for him will bring in both cash and connections...
For information about Charlie Brown, please visit: http://www.charliebrownforcongress.org/
And sign up to endorse!

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